If RAW agents are found in Pakistan; it does not come as a surprise. What comes as a jolting shock when Afghan Intelligence Agency NDS members are repeatedly found in activities, which tarnish their credibility and sincerity towards Pakistan. Considering the history and the role Pakistan has played in aiding their Muslim neighbour, one cannot help but wonder what, when and where things got wrong?
This time, it was the Afghan intelligence agency name National Directorate of Security (NDS). It is Afghan foreign and domestic intelligence agency. In the last week of June 2016, Pakistani agencies uncovered a plan by NDS to create a spy network in Punjab through Afghan refugees and of course through an undeniable support of Indian agencies. 6 Afghanistan NDS agents arrested from Pakistan, who were allegedly involved in planning and preparing terror attacks against Pakistan.
Afghan Intelligence Agent Arrested in Balochistan
Right at the onset of Zarb-e-Azab, and various contracts with China for the economic corridors; the diplomatic interaction between India and Afghanistan have increased to such an extent that the obvious results could be seen as Afghan Intelligence Agency, NDS traces discovered in the heart of Pakistan. The arrested factions were found with weapons and explosives from Rawalpindi, Tarnol, Taxila, Attock and Islamabad. A major spy ring and Afghan intelligence agent arrested in Balochistan along with the members of Afghan National Army, are the clear indications of Afghanistan’s intentions towards Pakistan’s goodwill effort. What can one deduce from such arrests and such malign activities?
These arrests have uncovered the traces of Afghanistan Intelligence Agency NDS in Punjab as well-trained sleepers, well disguised among their refugee population. The major hurdle in the arrest is in the forms of refugees who have started to help these spies for the financial promises made upon their return to their country. All these facts can be observed in the confessions made by the arrested spies.
Afghanistan NDS Agents Arrested from Pakistan
Within the past few months, Afghanistan NDS agents arrested from Pakistan, especially an army officer from Taxilla is under interrogation as it is believed that he has strong involvement in recruiting the spies from the refugees living in the Pothohar belt. Pakistani agencies have also informed that intelligence services centers are operating in Helmand, Kandahar, Khost and Badakhshan in Afganistan. All these training centers are working with an active assistance of Indian Intelligence Agency RAW. The centers are giving long term and short term combat trainings along with the mind games.
Now, theses arrests of NDS agents, at this level were made for the first time. But these incidents cannot be dismissed lightly for various reasons. For one, these agents are trained and brainwashed by Indian agencies and Indian animosity against Pakistan is not a hidden agenda. Secondly, Afghanistan has a major border with Pakistan on the western side. With Pakistan actively engaged with Indian forces on their eastern border, it becomes an arduous task to handle military skirmishes on two sides of borders and internal unrest created through spy activities. Thirdly, and most importantly, Pakistan hosts a large number of Afghan refugees, for decades now. Some of them have even settled here with Pakistani National identity cards. Under these circumstances it becomes a daunting task to sift through the refugees and isolate the spies.
Amid such a scenario, when Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, blames Pakistan for failing the peace initiatives in Warsaw, addressing NATO summit on July 9; it seems more of a joke. In reply to this statement Pakistan Foreign Office expressed regret and said “Since we have a genuine interest in seeing peace in Afghanistan, Pakistan would continue to make every effort to help bring peace in Afghanistan,” but Afghan government members are actively engaged in blame game and are overtly critical of any diplomatic deal between the two countries. The continuing relations with Indian military, only adds fuel to the anger and hatred on both sides.
Despite all the patience and understanding displayed by Pakistan, its counterparts at all levels have refused to show any sign of cooperation. Some people might taken few of my statements as an emotional outburst, but each and every ‘emotional outburst’ is well supported by the evidence given by the agencies, media and government officials on both sides of the border. All said and done, it is still hoped that terrorism in the region should be combated and resolved through diplomatic efforts and not through terrorist activities.

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