Rabbits are charming and adorable pets to keep at home. It can be fun keeping a rabbit as a pet. They also need the same maintenance and care just like other pets need. Although rabbits are friendly, loving, and playful animals like cats or dogs but their needs are not the same as other pets.
Rabbits are relatively smaller pets as compared to cats and dogs, which leads to some misleading information about these pets. You need to provide your little buddy a protective environment to live happily. The best protection you can provide him is by keeping it in a cage. The cage helps the rabbits to stay safe and calm when something threatened them.
Being smaller and friendly there associate some myths about rabbits. Some tops myths about rabbits are:
1. Rabbits are Low Maintenance Pets
You have probably heard it a lot and everywhere that rabbits require low maintenance due to their smaller size. It is not true, taking care of rabbits can a complex at times. Although each pet has different needs similarly rabbits also have needs that must be fulfilled. If you cannot provide them what they need they may not survive, which can lead to their death.
2. They do not Require Veterinary Care
Another common thing that you might hear about rabbits is that they do not need to visit a veterinary doctor. It was believed long ago when a very few people keep them as a pet. But as time passes by people become aware of the fact that regular veterinary consultation is necessary for rabbits as well.
So, if you are thinking to bring a rabbit as a pet you must keep this fact in mind. It is essential to maintain the good health of your pet.
3. Rabbits Usually have Short Life
Till now it is believed that rabbits are pets that have a very short life span and it is about one year. Again, it is not true, like other pet rabbits also need proper care and protection. If you cannot facilitate them with what they need then their life can reduce to half.
If you take good care and keep them in good condition by providing healthy feed then they can live a long, healthy life.
4. Rabbits can Survive on Left-over Food
People usually feed their little friends with whatever left-over food is available keeping in mind the fact that it is a healthy diet for rabbits. It is the worst thing you can do with your rabbit. Rabbits require a proper diet, fresh grass, and hay to survive a healthy life.
Hay for rabbits is essential and they cannot survive without it. So, if you are keeping a rabbit at home you must consider this factor and do proper research getting this pet.
5. They do not Need any Company
Bringing a single rabbit at home will not prove to be a good idea. Keeping in mind other pets like cats and dogs, people usually bring a single rabbit at home. Rabbits are social and friendly animals. They love interacting with their companions. So, you can never bring a single rabbit at home. Always consider bringing a pair of rabbits.
6. Rabbits Won’t Bite you
It is commonly believed that rabbits do not bite no matter how you treat them. Although rabbits by nature are calm and shy pets as compared to other pets, they can show a response in their defense. If something threatening appears around them they can even bite you for their protection. So, it is preferred to treat them gently.
7. Rabbits can be Smelly
It can be true if you do not take good care of everything around rabbits. Although any pet can be smelly and messy if not taken care of properly. Keeping rabbits clean and fresh is necessary like other pets. If you take proper care of cleaning rabbits as well as the cage or the place where they live. Then there will be fewer chances that your pet appears messy and smelly.
8. Rabbit can Survive in Small Places
Rabbits require quite big and free space to survive a healthy life. They are active animals and love moving freely. so, keeping them in a small cage will not be a good idea. You need to get a larger cage for them or you have to create an open space for them where they can live happily.
Taking care of rabbits is not an easy task because rabbits can be highly demanding at times. Being smaller in size some myths naturally associate with the rabbits. But all those facts are not completely true. Rabbits also have needs and demands like other pets do, which must be fulfilled by the owners. It is the only way to provide them a healthy lifestyle.

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