Crafting words to inspire, engage and motivate. 10+ years of content writing, SEO, digital marketing and blogging experience. Ready to help your brand reach its potential!
Who are you meaning in Urdu is one of the most searched greeting messages by people who speak Urdu and want to converse in English. In this day and age, English is one of the most spoken languages by people all over the world, knowing a few greeting sentences and their meanings will allow you to converse a little with people.
In Pakistan whenever you attend weddings or meet new people, there is a high chance that they converse with you in English. Who are you translates into Urdu as تم کون ہو. Knowing who are you meaning in Urdu will help you converse with new people.
They are asking you tum kon ho? You have to then describe yourself, tell them about your work, your life and anything else that falls into this category. Who are u meaning in Urdu can be Googled and you can find it easily.
It is such a basic question that everyone should know the meaning of it so whenever you meet a new person and they ask you this question in English, you don’t feel embarrassed and answer properly.
Many people who speak the Urdu language google, who ru meaning in Urdu? So, this data clearly indicates that they want to learn the meaning so they can converse with people in a better way. Let us suppose you meet someone and they ask you, who are you? Now this is a very simple question, in this day and age, everyone expects that basic English is understood by everyone so knowing the meaning of who are you will help you answer them.
Who are you Urdu meaning is Tum kon ho? Learning some basic English is required by all offices especially so you need to know at least some basic English to function in society. Many dictionaries are available that can help you find meanings of English words.
Who are you meaning in English can be found on Google easily, you can learn some basic English questions that are normally asked by people so you can answer them correctly and save face. By knowing the meaning of these English sentences in Urdu, you can answer accordingly and in this day and age it is required of all people to know simple sentences that could help them converse easily with other people.
Crafting words to inspire, engage and motivate. 10+ years of content writing, SEO, digital marketing and blogging experience. Ready to help your brand reach its potential!