The world has been seeing a rise in terrorist activities, political turmoil, and war like symptoms over the recent years. Recently we came across the news of a military exercise in which different countries lixke the Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Jordan, Sudan, Bahrain, Oman, Malaysia, Qatar, Tunisia, Morocco, and Pakistan participated. In this military exercise, around 50,000 soldiers, 2450 warplanes, 20,000 tanks, and 460 military helicopters participated. The exercises lasted for eighteen days and were practiced in the northern area of Saudi Arabia. Such military exercises are carried out mostly when countries are preparing to invade some other country. Seeing the situation, many stories are circulating related to the World War 3 Predictions.
Will there be a World War 3?
Many senior analysts are of the view that the World War 3 can happen even tomorrow. A number of seers like Edgar Cayce and Nostradamus have predicted the end of times and have talked about World War 3 in 2016. This is because only a small spark can start a war between different countries that are cultural rivals or differ each other in opinions. Many people say that World War 3 can start only because of a small event or an accident and then massive destruction will take place around the globe. But since nobody can predict the future, it is still unclear when the World War 3 is coming.
World War 3 predictions and their severity:
Most people are unaware of the fact that the World War 3 date has started. The severity of this war is known only to the people who are involved in predictions and are on a very high spiritual level. The fact is that this war will cause massive destruction and catastrophe to the earth. Many countries like Russia and China have been increasing military exercises and have been using their nuclear arsenals to spread havoc and show their domination in the region. Thus, threats of nuclear aggression are circulating throughout the world. It is evident from the history that the super powers of the world have always tried to show their might and supremacy in the regions. In some cases, conflicts arise between the super powers which lead to war. It must be kept in mind that the World War 3 will be quite different from the previous two wars of the history. This is because weapons of mass destructions have been developed and nuclear aggression is on the rise.
The military exercises in the Middle East have increased the chance of World War 3 in 2016. If Saudi Arabia and its allies plan an invasion of Syria, we will see severe consequences. The Iranians and Russians will also invade the region and thus a war will break out. It can be said that the World is in the midst of an uncertain situation and the World War 3 Predictions are on the rise. The intention of such predictions is not to create havoc, but to spread awareness among people.

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