
How A Clock In And Out App Can Help Increase Your Business Revenue

3 Mins read

We all want more revenue for our business, right? The sad fact is, without the right tools, a lot of time, money, and effort can be wasted on tasks that won’t bring in any revenue. There are many modern solutions to waste in the workplace. One of those solutions is a clock in and out app.


The features of a time and attendance app have benefits that can either directly increase revenue or increase productivity to make more revenue over the long term. In this article, we’ll be examining some of the different ways that a modern clock in and out app can help increase your business revenue.

Improve Employee Efficiency

One of the easiest ways for your revenue to not be where it should be is if employees are unproductive. Whether intentional by employees wasting time on tasks that are not part of work or by accident merely because they are having difficulty, lost efficiency means less work is done overall, and less money is made. This is where a team time tracking app can help.

Job tracking is helpful to determine employee performance and can be used to make sure that they are working on the correct task. It can also be used to measure overall time spent on tasks in general. This is crucial to identifying whether processes are working as they should or if staffing needs to be reassessed or reassigned.

With a timekeeper app, you can create job codes which your employees can then track time under. This will allow you to determine precisely how they’re spending their time throughout the day. You can also use this information to better forecast future budgets.

Tracking Time to Improve Payroll Performance

Making sure everyone gets paid on time is one benefit of using a clock in and out app. However, the primary benefit of accurate payroll is that there is less wasted money. By this, we mean wasted money on incorrect payments that have to be corrected and paying way more than necessary to process employee wages.

Not only do payroll savings through an online timecard system transfer to higher revenue, but there is also a correlation between accurate pay and happier employees. Happier employees are more productive and less likely to engage in behavior that would otherwise disrupt the workplace.

Control Staffing Levels in Real-Time

Controlling staffing levels through a simple time card app in real-time has two main benefits. The first is tracking employee attendance so that you know who’s working at all times. This is helpful when you have problems with chronic absences in your workforce.

Real-time tracking also allows you to identify and address issues that may arise. In some cases, absences can be a sign of a poor hire. In other cases, though, it may be a personal issue that needs to be addressed, such as scheduling. Managing the talent pool properly is key to maximizing productivity and revenue.

Secondly, tracking staffing levels in real-time allows you to make adjustments if you see that one area is struggling or experiencing a rush. Fluidity in business has a lot of value. You can quickly identify which employees are working and where and then adjust staffing levels to meet demand. You can move employees around or call in some for extra help.

Manage Overtime Costs

One of the best fiscal benefits of a clock in and out app is the ability to manage your overtime expenses. Not only can you see who’s working overtime and how often, but you can also set reminders for employees that are about to hit overtime and send them home to avoid unnecessary hours. Just like with tracking absences and staffing, managing overtime hours helps to improve productivity.

Too much overtime is a sign that something isn’t working properly or that employees are taking advantage of working extra hours. Being able to track and identify a potential issue before it gets out of hand will save money. Money saved is revenue gained. Plus, if there is a productivity issue, steps can be taken to fix it.

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